Michael Nehls - The indoctrinated brain

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Contents from 3 German-language video interviews with Michael Nehls:

Der neuropathologische Angriff auf das menschliche Gehirn | Molekulargenetiker Dr. Michael Nehls

Arzt enthüllt: So attackieren sie unser Gehirn (unfassbar)

"Gezielter Angriff auf unser Gehirn? - Punkt.PRERADOVIC mit Dr. Michael Nehls

hippocampus and index neurons:

Hippocampus: 2 thumb-sized structures in the temporal lobes on either side of the brain; about 1% of brain volume;
remembers unique episodes, experiences, more complex thoughts if it was exciting; forgetfulness of words and facts is not a hippocampus problem; it has to be a substantive story, it has to evoke an emotion; coordinates are remembered (when and where the story was thought/recorded).
4 questions: when, where, what and what emotion (danger, pleasure etc.) was involved?
The hippocampus only remembers a day's load of information; after a while, especially in the evening, it is filled, then the capacity to absorb ends (ego depletion); at night, a repeated (about 10 – 30 times) upload of the stories to the neocortex takes place, as this learns slowly; the memories are stored there; in the morning deep sleep phase with dreams (rapid eye movement), the uploaded memories are compared with earlier memories, networked, whereby understanding is expanded; the hippocampus is then free again and ready for new storage; however, the hippocampus permanently retains the location and time coordinates through neurons (Nehls: index neurons) and uses these to access and reconstruct old memories and bring them into consciousness.


The hippocampus can produce new neurons at night throughout life (adult hippocampal neurogenesis), so that old index neurons do not have to be overwritten in view of limited capacity; these new neurons can then be used as additional index neurons; however, if an important experience takes place although no index neurons are left, the overwriting of old index neurons is unavoidable. The condition for neurogenesis is that we live in a species-appropriate manner, then the hippocampus grows by 1 – 2% annually. In fact, however, it shrinks in the western world by 1 – 1.5% annually. In this respect, no index neurons are produced, rather they are lost. This can also occur in children. The result can be dementia/Alzheimer's; social memory, the ability to relate things to each other or to think outside the box, to be critical, suffers; or depression. Production of index neurons protects against depression.

The system responsible for thinking is only switched on when necessary. It is also subject to ego depletion. Its energy consists of the free synapses of the index neurons. It regenerates overnight. Only the hippocampus can temporarily store information during thinking. The brain strives to store energy so that there is still energy available in emergency situations. The more it has already been used, the less likely it is to be switched on when needed.

The synapses of the index neurons have a juvenile character. The newly developing index neurons are the neuronal correlate of curiosity. If nothing new is learned, the index neurons may be produced, but if the synapses are not used, they die again. In animal experiments, it was found that over 90% of the newly produced index neurons usually die again (apoptosis). Humans produce far too few index neurons or their production lies fallow. The hippocampus should actually grow throughout life. In fact, however, the annual shrinkage rate in modern humans is between 1 and 1.5%. And the smaller it is, the greater the probability of developing depression and later Alzheimer's disease. The production of new brain cells in the hippocampus is the reason for psychological resistance (resilience), that there is no overreaction and, for example, a chronic fear reaction that never ends. In contrast, when neurogenesis stops, resilience is reduced and the likelihood of burnout or depression increases. All antidepressants try to activate neurogenesis. However, this only succeeds in the case of species-specific behaviour, which is accompanied by the likelihood that new index neurons are needed due to new experiences that need to be remembered. This includes, for example, a sense of purpose in life, a task to be fulfilled, physical exercise (the hormones released in the process not only contribute to physical fitness but also stimulate neurogenesis). Exercise is better against depression than any antidepressant.

Pregnancy, mother-child relationship or bonding and couple bonding are relevant.

Physical activity releases hormones that stimulate the production of index neurons, social contact leads to the release of oxytocin, a growth factor for neurogenesis. In isolation, when we cannot perceive people's facial expressions (face masks partially do not allow these to be seen) or gestures, less oxytocin is produced. When high levels of cortisol are added as a result of stress, this is the basic condition for the hippocampus to shrink.

Alzheimer's is hippocampal dementia. The cause is a lifelong disturbance of neurogenesis. If this is stimulated by a species-appropriate lifestyle, Alzheimer's is reversible in the early stages.

spike protein:

It was already known from SARS-Cov-1, which occurred in 2002, that the spike proteins (spikes in the crown of the corona virus that seek docking sites and ensure that the virus enters the cells) are very immunogenic, so that a strong inflammation occurs. When the spike protein of the corona virus docks with the immune cells, proinflammatory, inflammation-promoting messenger substances (cytokines) are released. The combination of these cytokines is the most potent inhibitor of neurogenesis in the hippocampus. When the body has a strong inflammation to fight, it will spend all its energy on this instead of making new cells. At the same time, cortisol levels go up. Cortisol also suppresses neurogenesis in the hippocampus. If stress and inflammation levels remain chronically high, inflammatory markers will also remain constantly high, and thus a constant suppression of neurogenesis in the hippocampus. The inflammatory markers are upregulated by the spike protein. A cytokine storm as an overreaction of the immune system can injure and kill the body.

In 2018, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a think tank, research division of the US Department of Defense, proposed to insert a furin cleavage site (predetermined breaking point) into the spike protein to develop a corona virus into a bioweapon. Furin is an enzyme, a pair of molecular scissors that all our body cells have, which cut the spike protein at the furin cleavage site if it has been encoded. This maintains the toxic effect of the virus and makes the virus more infectious. The gene sequence responsible for the furin cleavage site, consisting of a sequence of 19 amino acids, is already found in a patent from Moderna from 2016, can hardly arise in nature at the exact location predicted by DARPA and was not found anywhere in nature before its spread. The part of the cleaved spike protein that interacts with the body's cells is called S1. This crosses the blood-brain barrier, which actually protects against viruses (and other toxins). It is still found in the human brain 15 months after infection. In vaccinated people, this period is likely to be much longer, because the mRNA is still detectable in them even after a year.


No aspiration in local vaccination/injection into the muscle to avoid injection into a blood vessel and spread throughout the body. Abolished in 2016. CDC (US Centers for Disease Control) still recommends no aspiration for covid vaccines. Spike proteins produced in the body as a result of vaccination can also enter the brain as a result of the furin cleavage site.

With the lipid nano-particles developed, toxins can be transported into the brain. Neither does it make sense for a pure vaccination to use lipid nano-particles to enter the brain, nor to use genetic material for mRNA modification and for the production of the spike proteins in the body's cells. Because if one already chooses the spike protein, one could have simply been content with vaccinating only this spike protein. This way, however, the body's own production is guaranteed to last longer, presumably for at least a year.

Fauci, the protagonist of the vaccination programme, was involved in a peer-review study on the vaccination programme in 2023, which stated that it was to be expected that a systemically administered vaccine would not be effective in respiratory diseases.

Why did they use the spike protein for the vaccine, knowing from SARS-Cov-1 how toxic it is to the brain? People who are infected develop antibodies against different parts of the virus, for example against the crown itself, i.e. what envelops the virus material, the nucleocapsid. Such nucleocapsid antibodies are much more stable and efficient in defending against infection. Initial proposals to develop such vaccines were rejected. Instead, it was decided to use a brain affecting protein, genetically engineered and produced by the body's cells, which was known from the beginning to damage the brain. The hippocampus was the target.

The vaccination causes chronic inflammation due to a spike protein that does not disappear or hardly disappears at all, which prevents the immune system from performing other tasks and therefore breaks this down. It also lowers Vitamin D levels.


The index neurons have a receptor for stress hormones. In a stressful situation, when the new index neurons communicate with the old ones, the stress hormones are regulated. Based on previous experience, it is checked whether the current stress is adequate for the situation or whether there was an exaggerated stress reaction. However, if no receptor is available or sensitive enough because great stress was experienced, which led to an epigenetic inactivation of the receptors, a permanent high stress level results. High stress or cortisol levels lead to an inhibition of neurogenesis in the hippocampus and have a neurotoxic effect, the hippocampus begins to shrink. A post-traumatic stress syndrome leads to a small hippocampus. You don't have to experience stress at all to get into post-traumatic stress syndrome, just the idea of a stressful situation or trauma is enough. This can lead to pre-traumatic stress. This has the same effects, a shrinking of the hippocampus.

If there is no more index neurons production because of the infection, the measures and the vaccination, but the hippocampus receives messages that are stressful, we force it to take in this information anyway and overwrite old index neurons, which erases the links to the stored information on the hard disk, i.e. the memories. This happens when there is no more index neurons production and we live in a constant climate of fear. Our ancestral personality, which was shaped by old experiences, is replaced by new fear narratives, our new self. Reflection, comparison with previous experiences, is less or no longer possible.

covid measures:

Covid measures are based on a plan and involve an attack on the hippocampus. In order to indoctrinate humanity and control it via Great Reset, artificial intelligence and social point system, the mental immune system in the hippocampus must be paralysed.

If the hippocampus is to be forced to constantly overwrite old index neurons when neurogenesis is already disturbed, thus reducing one's individuality and personality, then the narrative must be constantly changed. It is not enough to always receive the same scare message. The hippocampus is receptive to new stories (permanently new rules to restrict people in the fake pandemic, bad news in panic-mode like new pandemics, climate change, war) that evoke new emotions. In order to awaken new emotions, the messages have to be constantly changed.

Permanent index neurons overwriting leads to the transformation of society. The ability to remember and critical thinking are endangered. People's personalities consist more and more of anxiety and depression. Depression rates, which have tripled globally since 2019, are an indicator of the advance of the hippocampus shrinking process. Alzheimer's cases tripled between 2018 and 2021 in Germany. Even people under the age of 65 are now getting Alzheimer's.

Children are more vulnerable due to their less experience and lack of reflective ability. Children were the least vulnerable of covid infections and therefore special targets by vaccine.


By 2023, no more than about 10 to 15% of Germans have experienced a covid infection. The infection rate can be measured. In the case of a vaccination with mRNA, antibodies are developed against the spike protein, but only against the spike protein that is administered. In the case of an infection, the immune system reacts to the whole virus, i.e. not only to the spikes that come from the vaccination, but also to the crown, the part that wraps the virus material. The nucleocapsid antibodies that are created as a result are much more immunogenic. The likelihood of going through an infection again is much lower when these antibodies are present. 80-90% of people have spike antibodies but no nucleocapsid antibodies, so they have not had an infection.

In the Corona year, only 4% of all respiratory infections were SARS Cov-2 infections. The PCR tests with up to 45 cycles for SARS-Cov-2 are often false-positive. With such a high number of cycles, it is almost impossible to get a negative test. Anything above 30 cycles is highly critical, contaminated or post-contaminated. The number of SARS Cov-2 infections detected should therefore be taken with caution. For those vaccinated, the number of cycles has been reduced to 25, they should be false-negative rather than false-positive to be able to say that the vaccination is working. This is a reduction in the sensitivity of the test by a factor of 100,000. In 2020, cases of respiratory infections in hospitals were 20-30% lower than in 2019, when SARS-Cov-2 did not even exist.

According to a study on a conformity experiment, 23% of people are not receptive to foreign narratives and prefer to use their common sense. This is about the same rate as the rate of people who did not get vaccinated. This rate increases when the others realise that they are not alone.

vitamin D:

Vitamin D is needed to maintain neurogenesis. Lack of Vitamin D makes us susceptible to Alzheimer's and a severe/fatal course of corona infection. The propaganda against the benefits of Vitamin D is a double attack against the immune system and the hippocampus.

Respiratory infections occur seasonally in winter because sun levels are lower and the body produces less Vitamin D. This hormone immunologically regulates the ability to respond to viruses in the first place. It does not prevent infection, but it does prevent a long and severe course of disease. It ensures that immunity is built up quickly. A sufficient Vitamin D level reduces the time in which one is infectious by half. And the likelihood of a severe course of influenza or covid, a cytokine storm, approaches zero. One study concluded that 90% of all covid deaths could have been avoided by raising Vitamin D levels. Another study found that above a Vitamin D level of 125 nanomoles per litre (nmol/l), the risk of dying from covid is zero. Those with an interest in promoting vaccination will logically devalue Vitamin D.

Vitamin D also causes tumour surveillance. Cancer patients who have already developed metastases have a 50 percent higher survival rate when Vitamin D levels are raised.


Ende Gelände ♦ Aus die Maus ♦ Schicht im Schacht ♦ Klappe zu - Affe tot

So long ♦ See You Later, Alligator - In A While, Crocodile ♦ Over And Out